This week was about intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks, how to get incomes...
Although it was a very theoretical week, I think it's so important to have many of these concepts clear when you are developing a product.
As assignment we had to develop a plan for dissemination of our final project. We also had to prepare drafts of our summary slide and the final video clip.
As we all are so deeply into developing our final project, I didn't have much time, so the docummentation of this week is a bit shorter than others. Anyways I'll complete it afterwards.
I have to keep thinking about the plan for dissemination of my final project. I would like to develop it a bit further, because I think it's a good idea that can be interesting for the people in general but also it could be developed in therms of statistics of the air quality of our homes (as the smart citizen project but for the indoor air quality) that can be used by many organizations to develop new laws about thermal insulation of buildings or fundings to improve the healthiness of the old buildings.
The license I thought that can be suitable for me is the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
With this license: